About the Author
Glen Milne, Author and Publisher
Since 1970 I have been applying design and systems thinking, graphics, facilitation, humour and empathy to developing policy, strategy, foresight, and training materials for client capabilities vis HGW.
Most of that work has been for the federal government but I have also enjoyed similar projects with corporations, the voluntary sector, aboriginal governments, and the Canadian Forces.
The first ideas for Making Policy were born in the early 1970's as diagrams for Prime Minister Trudeau. In 1980's they became a deck of diagrams for presentations on HGW with partners Lynne Tyler and Phil Nicholson, then in the late 1990's a short but complete publication in both official languages.
Contact Coordinates
- glen@glenmilne.ca
- 613.562.4333
Professional Experience
- Building design and urban planning projects in Canada, England, Finland, & USA.1960-67.
- Director: Urban Assistance Task Force for CMHC. 1969-71. Team of 30 staff. We ‘sunsetted’ the Urban Renewal program, and designed the policy base for new NNIP, RRAP and municipal programs.Consultant to Priorities & Planning Secretariat of PCO and PM Trudeau; 1971-75; my portfolio included; demographic objectives, housing, urban, regional development, immigration, multi-culturalism, cabinet priorities & decision-making process.
- Economic, governance, planning and building projects for First Nations communities in all regions of Canada. 1977-1988.
- Policy frameworks for Department of Indian Affairs vis housing, planning, sectoral economic development, transfer of responsibilities and powers. 1977-1998
- Facilitating and writing of policy initiatives for federal departments including; Communications, Public Works, Treasury Board, National Research Council, Natural Resources Canada, FPRO (Meech Lake), Environment, Health Canada, Foreign Affairs, Industry Canada, etc.
- Presentations and workshops on ‘the federal policy process and how to contribute to it with over 200 groups in federal government, voluntary sector, aboriginal organizations, universities, and business.
- City of Ottawa: facilitation of town hall meetings, chaired multi-stakeholder task force to improve land development process, development of planning staff capabilities. 1990 - 2000.
- Vision and strategy for national television system, Canadian Association of Broadcasters. 1988-89.
- Lead designer and facilitator for 6 major national foresight projects: including Energy Technologies, IT, Quantum tech, Biotech, Animal Health, etc. 1999-2012.
Academic and Publishing Experience
- B.Arch. (Highest honours) U of Toronto. 1960
- M.Arch. (Full scholarship) U of Penn. Studio of Louis Kahn, 1964
- Advanced certificate in facilitation; Synectics, Inc. Boston, 1970
- Teaching architecture and urban planning at Ohio University & North Carolina State University,1964-67
- Founder and part-time professor at Carleton School of Architecture 1968-95
- Adjunct Prof. Public Administration, U Vic, BC (2005- (Projects include workshops for federal employees on how the provincial government works and fed/prov relations)
- Adjunct Professor; helped set-up the program in Strategic Foresight and Innovation, OCAD-U, Toronto; 2009
- Papers on cultural, developmental and governance considerations for Canadian and US military expeditionary interventions. 2000-2013
- Various papers, articles and frameworks re; innovation, facilitation, enterprise incubation, infrastructure, typologies of form, human and natural markets, graphic thinking, Finnish education, innovation & information systems, etc.
- Co-writer with Lt. Col. David Last (Royal Military College) of classified doctrine and published articles on ‘Decision-Making for National Security’. This work included developing models illustrating today’s networks and alternative routes of decision-making by the Government of Canada (i.e. the PM) for short, medium and long term threats.
- Continuous development & distribution in both official languages; of ‘Making Policy: A Guide to the Federal Government’s Policy Process’ title changed in 2013 to ‘How the Federal Government Works’. 14,000 copies sold; 2001- present.
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